Humor Writing

  • 5 Exciting Ways To Use Fruit Without Having Sex! (Click here to read all of my work in Little Old Lady comedy)

Humor pieces

Points in Case:

Sally Magazine:

Click here to read all of my work in Sally Magazine including:

  • What It Really Means When He Texts You the Letter H
  • Five Signs Your Vaginal Discharge Might Be Trying to Tell You 9/11 Was an Inside Job
  • 5 Decorative Pillows You Can Use to Smother Your Crushed Dreams

Robot Butt Magazine:
The Bats and the Bees

Defenestration Magazine:
The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Janice Magazine:
Roger Ebert Reviews a Second Grade Production of Peter Pan from Beyond the Grave

The Big Jewel
The Reason You’re In A Four Hour Rabbit Hole About Conjoined Twins Is The Same Reason You’re Still Single

Gustav Klimt, Mystery Detective


Dispatches from Lesbian America:
My short story, "Provincetown," appears in this anthology, published by Bedazzled Ink Books.

Narrative Northeast:
"Parrots," a flash fiction piece

Athena's Daughter's II:
My short story, "The Miraculous," appears in the collection Athena's Daughter's II. Athena's Daughter's is a sci-fi and fantasy anthology with all-female authors, published by Silence in the Library.


How to Strike a Comedy-Life Balance

Published in GOLD Comedy.

The 5 Coolest Things That Happened After I Went Viral on Twitter

Published in The Startup

Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dating Game

My essay appears in this collection

Using Format